By now, many have seen the first look of Anne Hathaway as "Catwoman" in the new Christopher Nolan directed Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises". It looks like America's Swetheart is getting negative reactions from the released photo of her in costume as Catwoman before the movie is even released next summer. My spies are telling me Hathaway is very upset by the fan reaction and it is starting to affect her performance on set. Sources say director Nolan had to pull Hathaway aside in order to give her a pep talk and advised the Oscar nominated actress to ignore the negative press. I'm going to hold my opinion until I see the actual film but it's gonna be hard to top Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman from "Batman Returns". Just sayin!!!!

I don't know, she looks alright to me. I'd probably let her suck on my nutsack.